Just Style takes an in-depth look at the pros and cons of Vietnam’s apparel sector. It is described as an apparel sourcing success story but will need to build backward…
Railway official cites client worries about insurance and Russian confiscation For Nikkei Asia JENS KASTNER, Contributing writerApril 26, 2022 12:38 JST HAMBURG, Germany — BMW Group and Audi have suspended…
South Korean automaker gets jump on rivals‘ fuel cell-powered big rigs For Nikkei Asia JENS KASTNER, Contributing writerApril 5, 2022 13:46 JST HAMBURG, Germany — Whenever the Hyundai Xcient fuel…
For AmCham Taiwan 隨著電動車熱潮席捲全球汽車產業,台灣新創企業與傳統電子廠也紛紛磨拳擦掌,聚焦在電動車零組件與系統,希望搶占新興商機。有些企業如科技硬體龍頭富士康,更以設計與銷售整車為目標,與既有大車廠一較高下。 撰文/嚴斯 在內燃機汽車的全球供應鏈當中,台灣所扮演的角色向來有限,但近年開始加速進軍電動車市場,因為從汽油車到電動車的轉型期正處於關鍵時刻,台灣挾其電子與機電代工的堅強實力,被主要汽車品牌視為是重要的一環。 台灣在電動車領域的地位與日俱增,拆解典型的特斯拉(Tesla)車款就一窺究竟,動力系統、車體電子、車載通訊(如攝影機與監測器)、電池、充電座等等,都高度仰賴台灣供應商。事實上,台灣占特斯拉的零組件供應鏈約75%。 電動車與電腦輔助駕駛的趨勢在全球逐漸成為顯學,未來的車輛將比汽油車更加借重電子設備與零組件,許多傳統零組件預計被各類新型零件與原物料所取代。為了維持這股轉型力道,電動車將需要更多創新的軟體方案。為此,車廠無法只仰賴一級供應商,進而為台灣的二級製造商創造出更多商機。德國汽車製造業近來發現,相較於傳統的一級供應商,聯網汽車技術領域的二級供應商拿下的製造附加價值比重更高。 位於台北的華玉科技以研發與供應車載數據平台為主,總經理陸康瑋說:「車廠現在都積極投資可以從車輛收集數據的車載數據平台。」比方說,這些數據「可以根據駕駛人的行為,應用在輔助駕駛、交通管理、計算車險費用等等。」但她補充說:「車廠收集數據的格式各有不同,因此車載數據很難整合與貨幣化,進而達到創新用途。」 Continue at https://topics.amcham.com.tw/2022/03/台灣製造商進軍電動車產業/
for www.just-style.com China’s fast fashion cross-border e-commerce retailer Shein is little known within the country itself but its profile overseas continues to rise. Just Style investigates the secret behind its…
For Taiwan Business Topics (American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan) A global shift in the auto industry toward electric has encouraged a number of Taiwanese startups and traditional electronics makers…
Europe stresses ‚democratic values‘ as it seeks more clout over high-tech rules For Nikkei Asia HAMBURG, Germany — The European Commission has unveiled a new standardization strategy that underscores the…
for World Textile Information Network, www.wtin.com By scientific definition, maternity support garments (MSGs) are garments designed with the purpose of supporting the abdomen and lower back of pregnant women, in turn caring also for the safety…
Shares of Malaysian gambling tycoon’s Hong Kong unit crash 50% For Nikkei Asia JENS KASTNER, Contributing writer January 12, 2022 19:11 HAMBURG, Germany — The 342-meter Global Dream was to…
Observers say that the signing of several economic agreements with countries in the region could result in new flows of technology and talent, both of which would be to Taiwan’s…